
Каква е връзката между черните дупки и мозъка - интервю с Тимен Тимев (част 1)

23.05.2016 г.
Добавена от: Борислав Борисов
Интервю на Борислав Борисов (Портал12) с д-р Тимен Тимев - психиатър, учен, невроанатом, физик, писател, драматург и композитор..., по темата за връзката между черните дупки и човешкия мозък, както и за разликата между земната цивилизация и извънземните
Борислав Борисов
Борислав Борисов
Борислав Борисов е автор на текстови материали, видео репортажи и интервюта в Портал12. Работи в сферата на медиите от 2004-а година. Създател на едни от първите големи новинарски онлайн платформи в България, сега собственост на водещи медийни групи.

Роден в Търговище, завършил престижната Езикова гимназия в Ловеч, учил Аграрна икономика в Свищов, работил в редица страни на запад и у нас, главно в сферата на агробизнеса, медиите и сигурността ( анализатор в B2 Security - продоволствена сигурност, противодействие трафика на хора, регионално развитие и политики на Балканите, антитероризъм), основател на Асоциация на българските села.

Борислав Борисов е последовател на духовните и езотерични учения от 19-и век, като сред любимите му автори са Морис Метерлинк, Рудолф Щайнер, Райнер Мария Рилке и др.  Отдаден на изучаването и въвеждането в потънкостите в Учението на Учителя Беинса Дуно (Петър Дънов), както и на школите на Брат Михаил - Омраам (Михаил Иванов) и Елеазар Хараш.

Изследовател на алтернативните методи в психологията, парапсихологията и квантовата медицина.  За контакти: borislav@portal12.bg 
Коментари 16
  • Маркъ Аврелий Медиоланъ
    23.06.2019 г. 19:38
    Dear Mr. Ge Moll, Less than a month ago, my father, Georgi Popov (composer), found Your interview in Portal 12 and remembered the past years and for You as well. I began to look at you often, and because I have some oratory and philosophical genes, I have committed myself to studying God's creation. I want to thank You personally for continuing to study the masses and i thank to God for your existence! - Marcus Avrelius Mediolanum
  • Stefan Pashov
    19.08.2016 г. 01:27
    Leonard Susskind (born 1940). Juan Martín Maldacena (born 1968). Susskind is the old grand master, and Maldacena is the apprentice. Not the other way around as stated in the interview. Susskind started the "Black Hole war" with Hawking as early as 1981.
  • Johann Ge Moll
    07.06.2016 г. 23:15
    I wll give a general answer regarding my question about danger differences between severe fathers of new physic and their flippant contemporary grandsons: This is a different attune on different frequency : The genius fathers of new physic were tuned on angelic Idealism, that percue the tragic earnestness of Quality. The contemporary scientists are tuned already on demonic materialism, that percue the game-playng of Quantity. The Quantity Principle of Gay Numbers tune all of us on the frequency of comedy, and we understand the universe as a Farse, where the world Simulator is a World Gambler. The Quality Principle of Sorrow Concepts tune all of us on the frequency of tragedy, and we understand the universe as a drame, where the creator is unknown Infinite Negativity. . The fathers of new physic look concerned, confused by Freedom of Thought ,- being free minds: they were not yet programmed, and, they prefer to be real-authentic, burden by sorrow of knowledge. The contemporary scientists look cheerful: they are already programmed, and they enjoy not to be real, but simulated minds; they prefer the Sansousi of Known before the Anxiety of Unknown. Numbers intoxicate us, but Concepts hold us on ugly sobriety.
  • Johann Ge Moll
    07.06.2016 г. 21:06
    Continuation: I shall still ask You to think: Way all the above mentioned genuises-fathers of new physics: Planck, Heisenberg, Bohr, Schrodinger, Luis de Broygle, Max Born, J.von Newmann, Calutza, Wigner, J.Ar. Whiller e.c.t. accept Copenhagen Interptetation of Quantum Mechanics, which requires interaction of Human Mind (Consciousness) with matter, but almost all of their new grandsons ,reject Copenhagen Interpteration, (which requires Consciousness -Matter interaction) and conversly accept "Many worlds interpetation "of H. Everett, wihich want to escape from danger difficulties of Consciousness ability to be both ouside of the world and to be entirely world simultaneously, yet pay the immence prize of compulsive burden the universe with trillions and sextalions caricature self-copy ?
  • Johann Ge Moll
    07.06.2016 г. 20:42
    Continuation: Is there a continuity between "Instantaneous mind of matter" (Lebniz) and "very gathered matter of mind"(Lyotard)? One can say: We can imagine a continuity between "Instantaneous mind of matter" and "very gathered mater of mind", where every thing depends on its abilitiy to gather ,assemble and conserve a lot of interactions at once,- as exactly our mind did. And I conclude : Mind is a Matter wihich remembers its ineractins, and Matter is a Mind, which doesn't remembers its interactions. And the Second Argument: Axiome about double status of Consciousness: To be conscious is not to be in time, and to be both; all the times past,present and future." (Ge Moll) That's way Conscousness is both outside of the world, and is the whole world simultaneously. You can ask all of them: Sancara, Plato. Plotinus, Decartes, Kant, Husserl, Sartre, Merlo-Ponty also Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Verner Heisenberg, Ervin Schrodinger, - all the grand fathers of contemporary physics: And especially the sad and sorrowful statement of Heisenberg about theoretical education of his contemporaries: ""Theoretical and phylosophical education of contemporary physists is no more than of authomobil mechnic." e.c.t. And as last , I shall ask You, to think : Way all the genuises- fathers of new physics ( Planck, Heisenberg, Schrodinger ... accept Copenhagen Interpretation

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